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14 January 2009

Happy New Year!

So here we are, another new year! Chances are, most of us have on our list of New Year's Resolutions something along the lines of "spend less money" or "save more money." And as much as we all need to save more money, it probably starts with spending less!

The national downward trend in housing values and sales has finally hit our area, noticably about 3rd Q 2007. And while our values have fallen from slight appreciation to about flat in most slices of the market, it is no where near where the worst markets in the country were last year (some down 30% in values!).

Still, even our unemployment stats in Idaho have been seen as rising lately, as reported in the local media ( Even the Idaho Falls area reported unemployments rates rising in Dec to 4.8% from 3.5% in Nov (

What does this mean for the average citizen? Tightening the belt, no doubt! Gas prices have fallen well below their highs of last summer, but how else can we save money? Here is an areticle I found on, 100 Quick Tips to Help Save you Cash ( Some of these are larger efforts, but some are quite easy. Paying extra for 3-way calling? Ever actually used it?

Happy reading, and good luck!

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