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19 January 2009

Internet Real Estate Searches

Happy Monday, everyone, and Happy Martin Luther King, Jr day!

Some of you are at work today, some at home because your kids don't have school, and some of you are lucky enough to have the day off of work yourselves! And if you are like me, I'm guessing at least one hour of your day will be spent crawling around the web, reading headlines, soaking up information in anticipation of our historic Presidential inagural tomorrow, and even possibly searching real estate listings.

If you should find yourself in the latter category, you might wish to check out this article from - The Top 5 Blunders of Internet Home Buying. Obviously, merely by my presence here I am a huge fan and user of the internet for Real Estate reasons. And I even began my own search for my first home purchase on the internet - back in Chicago in 1997! I remember my great frustration that more information was not available online at the time, and happily more information is out there now. Almost too much, really.

It is easy to become distracted, lose focus, forget your original needs and reasons you are looking to make a move, be taken in by less-than-honest folks because it seems like a "good deal." And while you should always research on your own to put you in a position to be able to ask the right questions and know if the answer seems logical or not, there is certainly no reason to think you must go it alone.

So if you have an extra 3 minutes, you might wish to read the article. Be sure you are using the strength of the internet to your full advantage, and not mistakenly thinking you are while in fact you are missing something.

Until next time...happy hunting!

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